Episode 29: Elle - Can Men and Women be Friends?

June 13, 2021 01:24:51
Episode 29: Elle - Can Men and Women be Friends?
Loose and Conversational
Episode 29: Elle - Can Men and Women be Friends?

Jun 13 2021 | 01:24:51


Show Notes

Episode 29 tackles the age-old question, “can men and women be friends?”

Spoiler alert, no, they can not. Well, sometimes. I think we can all agree that it is better left alone. Kidding, of course, we agree on very little in this episode.

We welcome a new co-host, Lindsey. Jenn buggered off on us, so we replaced her. Relax, it is temporary; she is back next week. Lindsey fills in nicely, though and probably was a better voice of reason in this episode because she has a bit more insight. You see, Jenn has been married a long time, so it was good to get another perspective.

I think we call this week’s guest “Elle,” although that isn’t her real name, and frankly, I think we call her by her real name a few times. Anyhoo, she is an old friend of mine from back in the day, so it’s nice to reconnect with her and argue about complicated relationship issues.

We get pretty loose in this bad boy. All of us do. It was excellent, and I’ll say it here first; the second season will feature many looser conversations. There is nothing wrong with people who don’t drink, but millions of other podcasts are for them. Loose and Conversational needs its guests and hosts to tie one on, you know? It makes for those cringy, awkward conversations that we are known.

I hope you enjoy this podcast, and after you listen, I hope you rethink that friend-zoned relationship you have. Don’t toss it away, but recognize it for what it is and realize that you’re simping. Or, if you are in a friend with benefits situation and hope for more, realize it will never be fulfilling, and you are just being used for sex.

Stay Loose Friends,

J. David Keam

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