This was originally recorded as a second part of our New Years Eve episode. Brent and I finished at 11:30pm and then I was off to listen to Barrymore Scott’s NYE DJ stream. Or, I guess he goes by DJ Vagabond.
As these things go, part one went long with Amanda and Lucy and so did Brent. It was easier to just make two podcasts.
A funny thing happened while recording this episode… Jenn didn’t show up. Well, she showed up 45 minutes into the podcast but we forgot to record her. You’ll notice a jump around then and it might take you a minute to figure out what our guest is talking about. We had to cut out the ten minutes with Jenn because you can’t hear her. Apologies… but we recorded Jenn, Lucy and Amanda at 4pm so I was fairly loose by the time we started with Brent. At least I made it to the recording on time.
Brent has his own podcast, Xranue, and we’ve known each other nigh on 15 years or so. He is lucky enough to live in Exshaw, Alberta and work at a hotel in a magical place called Kananaskis. I won’t plug the hotel because I’m still pissed off at them for some shit service I received this summer. There is only one hotel there so it should not be hard to figure out.
Well, since you asked, I dropped my keys down the toilet and they wouldn’t help me get them out. 400 kilometers from home and they wouldn’t lift a goddamn finger to help. Mighty fine of them. But Brent’s a great guy… I’m sure he would have helped me get my keys out of the shitter if he could. Nobody else would help, but I’m sure he would have. My daughter and I usually go to said hotel right after New Years Day but we didn’t this year… I only have one set of keys left and I can’t risk it.
We would appreciate it if you could find us on Facebook, like and follow our page, or at least let us know you are listening! We know there are a bunch of you out there and it would be super cool to get to interact with some of you! You can also get ahold of us through the website, or comment on posts and blogs.
Enjoy the podcast everyone!
J. David Keam
John Bennardo is a writer. He wants you to know this. He has been writing since he was a child and recently published a...
When I first thought about doing this podcast, I immediately thought about today’s guest. It is a thrill to get him on the show....
Welcome to a Loose and Conversational Quick and Dirty episode! Well, friends, I bit off more than I can chew. We recorded with eight...