He currently produces and directs documentaries for Amazon. In this episode, we get loose and let the conversation take off. We could have talked to Jeremy for hours; he is a great storyteller and has lived a pretty exciting life.
We talk about hash, psychedelics and religion, psychedelics in general, Jeremy’s documentaries, Bigfoot, Aliens, life after death and more. We just talked until we ran out of time. Let us know if you enjoy this one because I think it would be great to get him on again. We left an excellent topic hanging at the end there.
Some good news, we think we can start having in-person episodes again soon. We have the next few weeks booked with remote episodes, and we will keep doing them sometimes because we get great guests that are not local. But there is nothing like that in-person vibe, you know? It is an excellent thing that there is a light at the end of this horrible pandemic tunnel.
Stay Loose Friends,
J. David Keam
We are back after taking a two-week break. In this episode, Shaun Northcoast joins us to talk about some conspiracy theories. Conspiracies are a...
First off, apologies for the delay in getting this episode out. The extra week is because I went camping and a large amount of...