Episode 27: Scott Olson - Leadership

May 24, 2021 01:19:22
Episode 27: Scott Olson - Leadership
Loose and Conversational
Episode 27: Scott Olson - Leadership

May 24 2021 | 01:19:22


Show Notes

This week’s episode brings back Scott Olson for another chat.

If you listened to his first episode with us, you’d remember that Scott is a man of many talents. Well, he is also a self-described serial entrepreneur with a focus on leadership development.

In this episode, we focus on where leadership starts. Leadership is a subject that interests both co-host Jenn and me, and Scott has a great perspective thanks to his unique experience and insights. In this episode, Scott offers up four behaviours that form the foundation for leadership. His advice is clear, simple, and applicable to all levels of leadership. I’m not exaggerating when I say that following these four steps will instantly make you a more effective leader.

Episode 27 is an unusual episode for us. It is almost professional in tone. And, the information shared will help people interested in leadership. Because of the subject matter, I’m sharing this episode on LinkedIn, which is also unusual. I usually try to keep some distance between the Loose and Conversational Podcast and my professional contacts due to the sometimes explicit nature of the show. If LinkedIn brought you here, I hope you enjoy this episode.

If you decide to stick around for a few more episodes, be warned that this episode is a bit of an outlier. We aren’t always this professional. The idea behind this podcast is simple; we have a few drinks with interesting people and let the conversation flow. We recognize few boundaries or limits along the way. If you’re triggered easily, it’s best to head back to Pod Save the People.

Scott has two websites to look for more information. Please find out about his company, Glenhaven International, here. Learn about the First Promotion Transition program here. First promotion transition is an often over-looked step for new leaders in organizations, Scott can help with this.

Stay Loose Friends,


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