She can be seen and listened to all over the place, whether lecturing in person, appearing on television or other podcasts or in print; Morgan is an expert on the paranormal. Maybe, more importantly, Morgan teaches us that it is what is inside us that draws our experiences to us.
Morgan was one of the very first people that we asked to be on our podcast. Now, twenty-six episodes later, we finally have her on. We wanted to record with her live, but you know… pandemic and all. We are thrilled to get to sit down with her finally.
Stay Loose Friends,
J. David Keam
Welcome to a Loose and Conversational Quick and Dirty episode! Well, friends, I bit off more than I can chew. We recorded with eight...
Episode 29 tackles the age-old question, “can men and women be friends?” Spoiler alert, no, they can not. Well, sometimes. I think we can...
This clip was one of many, many cut from episode 4 …with Amanda. Enjoy Amanda talking about her love of bulges!